Scroll down for more info on STORM Camp
Have you got a big job our youth can help you with? Leave a message at 612-460-5604 or email STORMpriorlake@gmail.com with a contact number and a job coordinator will be in touch by the end of June to get more information. Really! Ask! If our campers can help, we would love to make it work.
STORM is excited to bring campers and their adult support persons from all across Minnesota to Prior Lake for the third year. We’ve established some great relationships with community organizations and have found warm welcome at Holy Trinity. STORM will be from July 14-18, 2024, with a 4pm Sunday start and a 10am Thursday departure.
As a reminder, it’s important that youth and adult leaders are present for the whole duration of Camp. This affects team dynamics and the work we’re able to accomplish together as we serve Jesus by serving others. We eat (breakfast, dinner and snacks), sleep, and worship at our host church, then go out in teams of five youth and an adult driver to residences and occasionally businesses with the tools needed to do a half-day to a day’s work, eating packed lunches on-site. We do things like yardwork, painting, cleaning, minor building projects and/or demolition. The STORM staff team contacts those we’re serving ahead of time and check the jobs, then they work with the teams who will do the work – typically checking in during the day and offering support as needed. We’re not professionals, but pride ourselves on good work and good conversation with homeowners (as appropriate). As we head into our 33rd year of STORM Camp, we’re excited to continue our mission of work and worship.
STORM is open to youth in grade 7 (completed) through grade 12 and adult drivers. Cost for youth is $150/person, adults are free. We are recruiting adults so we can have one adult for every 5 youth. Checks can be made out to STORM Ministries. Youth who are part of the Holy Trinity community receive a 50% match on registration (while the fund lasts) so claim your spot now by contacting Lynnette at kidsandfamilies@htumc.org.