The economy of Jesus’ world was rigged in favor of the wealthiest in society. Our interpretive lens of this parable has been shaped by our American values. But when we use a new lens, we see the parable from Jesus’ commitment to refuse to engage in an exploitative economy where people are harmed.

When I was very little, I had a piggy bank. All of my “talents” went into that bank. I didn’t need them handy, because I was too young to go shopping, besides my mom or dad would provide for my needs and/or some of my wants.
Whenever we had company, I would bring my piggy bank out, much to my parent’s’ embarrassment, and ask the guests if they would like to see my piggy bank. Of course, the answer was always yes. No one ever resisted putting some talents in my bank….no questions asked. I learned that I should freely give of my “ talents” , and know God would use them wisely for the good of others.
I have appreciated the social content of this series and their applications.